Why don’t you offer EVERY customer a SafeTstop test? You know the value of the test, so what stops you?
There are lots of ways to build the test into your service menu. Many workshops don’t even ask the customer – they just add the cost of a test (anything from $25 to $70) to every service, and others charge an extra 0.2 hours labour on every service…. Or you can ask the customer directly, and make sure they understand what you are offering. This article will tell you how to offer the SafeTstop test without feeling silly or pushy.
The SafeTstop test is a clear, accurate test of a vehicle’s brakes and tyre drag, done in less than a minute, with a printed report that your customer can understand. It’s a great help for you in diagnosing problems, and it backs up what you say to customers when you tell them they need work on their brakes or they need a wheel alignment. Why not offer that test to the customer? You know how valuable it is, you’ve set a fair price for the test, and you give the customer the report to keep. So what’s the problem?
Let’s look at the challenges in offering the test….. you might think you are being pushy? But, if you don’t offer the customer a test, then you are taking away their choice. You don’t have that right, do you? Why not give them the information they need to make a good decision? You are the doctor for their car – and when we visit a doctor, we expect to be given information necessary for us to make an informed choice. Shouldn’t we give them the choice to have a safer car? It’s their choice but they need the information about what you can offer so they can make informed decisions. Think of it this way…. If your customer knew you had the technology to make their car safer, but you kept it in the cupboard, what would that do for your business?
Do you think your customers don’t have the money to pay for the test? If you have set a fair price for the SafeTstop test, then cost should not stop you from offering it. You know exactly how important the results of the test can be – a vehicle can pass a legal brake test on the road, and still have one wheel with no braking at all. A vehicle might have other faults which you would not find without a SafeTstop test. That test is good value for customers and for you – it can help you diagnose and save valuable time in locating problems (which you may never find otherwise). The fee you charge gives the customer printed proof of the test and a clear explanation of brake function…. Again, why not give them the choice to have that test?
What if that customer says no – have you lost anything? Not at all – you can still put the car over the SafeTstop and test it. You know the test results will be stored in the computer and you are covering your business legally – and you are also likely to find problems with the vehicle you might otherwise miss. Then it’s not a problem if a customer says they don’t want to pay for the test. You still have a great diagnostic tool and a record that the vehicle was safe when it left your workshop. That customer won’t get a printed report, but nothing has been lost. You need not feel rejected by that customer’s choice. Think of the air hostess on the plane – she offers a passenger a coffee and the passenger says no, does the hostess get upset? Does she feel rejected? No, she just gave someone a choice.
You might say to a customer, when they drop in their car for a service, “We have a great new safety test – it covers brakes, steering and suspension and you get a printed report of the results for $20. Is there any reason you wouldn’t want us to do that for you?”. It just takes a couple of times to practice and you’ve got it! Or maybe – “We have decided to give every customer a brake and safety test so you know all your wheels are performing well in an emergency braking situation. It costs $20 and you get a printed report of the results”. Again, a little practice and you have it. And don’t forget to show your customer the printed report when they collect their car, and explain it to them!
If you are wondering what to charge, or you want to discuss this with another workshop who has SafeTstop, just call our office on 02 9832 0045. We can refer you to another workshop so you can find out what they do. Our Partners Group on Facebook also has interesting information about using SafeTstop – you can join to learn more.